Get Help With Homework paper: Do the results of the political ideology quiz give an accurate or adequate representation political position? 

Get Help With Homework paper: Do the results of the political ideology quiz give an accurate or adequate representation political position?

1. What was the result of your political ideology quiz?  Do the results of the political ideology quiz give an accurate or adequate representation of your political position?  Do you believe that this quiz is useful for increasing political knowledge, participation or understanding your positions?  Did the “Finders Guide to Facts” link by NPR help you with analyzing information? Why or why not?

2.  Provide a brief summary of the article(s).  What is the most important issue that is raised in the article for the topic, in your opinion? Overall, do you believe that the information in the articles(s) are valid? What is your opinion of the information provided by these news sources (Do you believe that the information is credible?)?  List at least one aspect of each of the articles that you find questionable.  Why?    What solution do you believe would resolve this issue? Who or what entity do you believe is most able to deal with this issue?

3.  Based on course topics, why is this topic relevant to the study of government? (This means that you need to make a connection between the articles’ topic and at least one topic in the course and provide evidence.)  Why is this topic relevant to society as a whole?

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