Get Help With Homework paper: Discuss the three frames of social movements: diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational.

Get Help With Homework paper: Discuss the three frames of social movements: diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational.

In recent months, there have been a lot of social movement activities from groups across the country and world with various grievances, some opposing each other. For this discussion, think of/research examples from current or historical social movements to support your connections to the course materials for the week. Be sure to cite the weekly required course materials (choose concepts from the Massey text, required lectures and required videos) at least 3 times in your initial post and at least once in each peer response. You do not need to discuss all of these items in your post; these questions are just to get your started applying the materials:

  • Discuss the three frames of social movements: diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational. What examples can you find from current or historical social movement activities?
  • What social movement tactics appear to be the most or least productive? What ethical issues arise from certain tactics used? Use examples.
  • When thinking about a particular social movement that you are interested in (current or historical), what specific impacts did it or might it have? Explain any policy changes, personality changes, or cultural impacts.
  • How do you think technology and particularly social media has impacted social movements? Explain using examples from recent or current social movements.
  • Explore any other topics that stood out from this week’s course materials on social movements.

For peer responses, work to dive deeper into the topic with each other, making connections across social movements by comparing and contrasting them and deepening understanding of how the course concepts apply. Be sure to cite the required materials from this week’s folder in your responses!

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