Get Help With Homework paper: Discuss cultural beliefs and traditions passed on through generations and the importance to nursing care.

Get Help With Homework paper: Discuss cultural beliefs and traditions passed on through generations and the importance to nursing care.

Sociocultural Variable

1. Includes cultural values practiced and the

importance to nursing care.

2. Discusses cultural beliefs and traditions passed on

through generations and the importance to nursing


3. Discusses socialization of the client and its

importance to nursing care.

4. Transitions occur between thoughts.

Spiritual Variable

1. Discusses spiritual and religious beliefs and its

importance to nursing care.

2. Discusses spiritual and religious practices and its

importance to nursing care.

3. Discusses barriers to nursing care related to

spiritual and/or religious beliefs

Psychological Variable

1. Discusses mental well-being and its importance

to nursing care.

2. Discusses family history of mental illness and its

for the patient and its importance to nursing


3. Discusses patient’s mental ability to participate

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