Get Help With Homework paper: Assess the similarities and differences between Medicare and Medicaid managed care plans

Get Help With Homework paper: Assess the similarities and differences between Medicare and Medicaid managed care plans

Research the Internet for Indiana’s unemployment rate and your city unemployment rate.  Compare the two.

Is your city higher or lower than the state unemployment rate?  By how much?

What discrepancies between ethnic groups are there with regard to unemployment, if any?

How would you handle discharging an employee that could be potentially violent?

Distinguish the roles of Medicare and Medicaid managed care plans in the healthcare delivery system.

Assess the similarities and differences between Medicare and Medicaid managed care plans by comparing (a) strengths, weaknesses, and incentives; (b) commitment to access; and (c) risks to the consumers.

Synthesize two recommendations for improvement, including your justification, of each managed care plan. (You should have a  total of four recommendations for both Medicare and Medicaid managed care plans.)

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