Get Help With Essay: Drafting Personal Leadership Portrait-Analyze one or more leadership styles and corresponding leadership theories based on the unit readings and your MLQ assessment results that you believe best align with personal leadership effectiveness.

Get Help With Essay: Drafting Personal Leadership Portrait-Analyze one or more leadership styles and corresponding leadership theories based on the unit readings and your MLQ assessment results that you believe best align with personal leadership effectiveness.

U07A1 Assignment

U07A1 assignment

Draft of Personal Leadership Portrait

· Analyze one or more leadership styles and corresponding leadership theories based on the unit readings and your MLQ assessment results that you believe best align with personal leadership effectiveness.

(MLQ assessment results shows that I have a transformational leadership style). I will like to focus on becoming a more authentic leader.

· Analyze one or more communication styles based on the unit readings and the results of your communication style self-assessment that you believe best align with personal communication effectiveness. (My communication style since taking this course is focused on the people-centered communication and listening style).

· Analyze your leadership strengths and growth opportunities

· (My leadership strengths and growth opportunities Professional Self-motivated, Driven, Organized, Analytical, Leads by Example, Shares Knowledge, Excellent Customer Service and Communication Skills and has Integrity. Growth Opportunities: Professional – Gain more experience as a leader and learn how to be better at my job. Help others learn to accept personality conflicts and continue to build a positive experience for my team.

· Analyze your communication strengths as well as growth opportunities.

(Strengths: Professional Self-motivated, Driven, Organized, Analytical, Leads by Example, Shares Knowledge, Excellent Customer Service and Communication Skills and has Integrity. Growth Opportunities: Professional – Gain more experience as a leader and learn how to be better at my job. Help others learn to accept personality conflicts and continue to build a positive experience for my team.

· Based on the personal leadership portrait you have presented in this paper, explain how you will achieve the following outcomes as a leader within your field or area of specialization: (Emergency Management). In other words, what strategies will you use to ensure you are optimally effective in each of these areas:

2. Communication and interpersonal effectiveness.

2. Ethical leadership.

2. Effective diversity management.

2. Effective change management.

Requirements I have added a few highlighted answers in red, please add on to this.

The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements: Please use the River point layout. Double space, Time New Roman pt. 12

· Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (current edition) style and formatting standards.

· Cited resources: Include a minimum of five scholarly sources outside of the course text. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.

· Length of paper: 4–6 pages, double spaced, excluding cover page and cited resources.

· Due date: Assignment must be submitted to your instructor in the course room no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of this week (February 25, 2018).

Draft of Personal Leadership Portrait Scoring Guide

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