Get Help with Business Plan Assignment-New Venture Development Business Plan Assignment Full Report


Get Help with Business Plan Assignment-New Venture Development Business Plan Assignment Full Report

The preparation of a business plan is a major assignment for students in BABH9702 (New Venture Development).  Students should undertake this task in groups of four.  The business plan should provide information about the development of a business venture that has some connection with the hospitality and/or tourism industries.  Please refer to the PowerPoint slides from week #1 of the course for information about the structure of the business plan.


Your business plan needs to include these components:

  1. Title Page: Is there a title page? Are the names of the group members noted?  Does the business venture have an attention-grabbing, appropriate, and creative name?


  1. Table Contents: Is it present? Is it accurate?


  1. Executive Summary: Is it clear, attention-grabbing, and an effective overview of the business plan?


  1. Description of the Product or Service: Does it describe the main features of the product or service as well as the industry within which the product/service is situated? Have the benefits of the product/service and its distinctive features been clearly defined?  Is there a clear mission statement for the business?


  1. The Market Analysis: Does it describe the market for the product/service? What is the target market?  Does it mention trends relevant to the business or other relevant driving forces?  What about the competitive environment?


  1. Competitive Analysis: Has a SWOT analysis been competently performed?


  1. Strategic Marketing Plan: Does it outline the way in which the business will reach its target market(s)?


  1. Operation Plan: Does the business plan address relevant and important production- and provision-related issues?


  1. Financial Analysis: Has the requested financial information been included?


  1. Implementation Plan: How will the business shift from the current conceptual phase – the preparation of the business plan – to a phase whereby it becomes an actual, functioning business?


How will the business plan (full report) be assessed?  You should:

  • demonstrate a well-developed ability to integrate content and apply principles
  • critically evaluate and assess key problems and challenges
  • analyze and interpret relevant information pertaining to each business plan component area; solutions, alternatives, or strategies are coherent, well supported, and logically consistent
  • prepare a business plan whereby there is consistency across the entire document. Is the final report well organized?  Is it a coherent, structured project?
  • clearly justify strategic recommendations and conclusions for action based on evidence
  • use language effectively and convey ideas clearly and fluently (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paraphrasing, and grammar)
  • use sources/references appropriately (use APA referencing system consistently and correctly)


The business plan should be typed neatly and well written.  Use full sentences to express your ideas.  The business plan should be no more than 12 pages in length, excluding the title page, table of contents, and reference page(s).  Double space the written text and use 12-point font.  You can, if you wish, use both sides of the page (12 page sides if you are double siding the pages).  The full report is worth 25% of your final course grade.  Some additional remarks:

  • You should use headings in the business plan. Professional presentation is crucial.  Please number the pages too


  • Avoid unnecessary detail. You will probably have to make some difficult decisions regarding content you should include or exclude


  • Ensure consistency across the business plan (in case different sections are prepared by different group members)


  • Openly address risks and problems, explaining the way in which you intend to address them


  • Think about the most compelling way to “pitch” your business (plan) in a 15 to 20 minute oral presentation as you prepare the business plan. There is an assessed group presentation for the business plan


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