Get Fast, Cheap, and Reliable Assignment Help Online-Analysis and Decision-Making Model

Get Fast, Cheap, and Reliable Assignment Help Online-Analysis and Decision-Making Model

Analysis and Decision-Making Mode

  1. Determine the Facts
    1. Resist an immediate “judgment call”
      1. Be aware of how sports, for example, has influenced all of us to make quick choices of what is within the rules
    2. Gather all facts—not just ones supporting one point-of-view
    3. Check multiple sources of information
    4. Differentiate between “facts” and “assumptions”
    5. “Follow the Money”—who makes money based upon which choices?
  2. Identify the Ethical Issues Involved
    1. Are there dimensions of “right and wrong”; “fair or unfair”; “good or bad”?
  3. Identify All the Stakeholders
    1. Who (Groups) and how many?
    2. How might I be biased—how are certain Stakeholders “related” to me?
  1. Delineate (and/or Create) Alternative Courses of Action
    1. Generate at least two different courses
    2. Imagine one “wild” scenario (This is how creativity gets sparked.)
  2. Assess How the Alternatives will Affect Stakeholders (you should use a table for this section: columns can be alternatives and rows can be the stakeholders)
    1. Envision the results of each alternative decision/course of action
    2. Determine beneficial versus harmful consequences
    3. Consider the Law
    4. Recognize your own potential “conflict of interest”
  3. Seek Guidance (you should use a table for this section: your rows and columns can be who to seek guidance from and why them)
    1. Close friends
    2. People you respect
    3. Knowledge sources
      1. Subject matter experts
      2. Reference Librarians
  • Authors
  1. Researchers
  2. Professors
  3. Pastors
  1. Make a Decision; Act; Monitor the Outcome(s)
    1. Make a choice
    2. Do something constructive
    3. Be prepared to DEFEND your choice with logical, persuasive arguments
    4. “All Solutions Just Create Different Problems”—Follow up and Correct
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