Get Fast Assignment Help-Discussion Essays on Cyberbullying

There are Two Discussions each one page of discussion essay

first discussion

Choose a fictional or non-fictional character from film, TV, or literature. Describe a moral dilemma (big or small) that the person faced. Make sure to provide the person’s approximate age. Describe which stage you feel this person is/was in based on his/her behavior or thought patterns. You should use either Piaget’s or Kohlberg’s theory of moral development to answer this question. Provide rationale for why you think they are in a particular stage.

Second discussion

– We are learning about peer relationships, which sometimes involve bullying. In recent years, cyber bullying has appeared in the news frequently. Some stories have reported severe pain and trauma, and even suicide. For your initial post, find an online resource that discusses cyber bullying in some way. This can include an article, blog, website, video, or news story. In your post, share the following (and please label your answers (a), (b), (c), etc.). NOTE: You must find a different resource than other students in your discussion board. This means you must read other posts before your own.

a) The URL of the resource you found and the type of resource you found

b) Summarize the resource in at least one paragraph

c) Share your reflections what you read/watched. You should relate your reflections back to what you learned through the course material during this week or previous weeks.

Sample Answer:

Student’s Name

Professor’s Name



Discussion Essays

Moral Dilemma

Moral dilemma is a situation of conflict in which a person has to choose between two choices none of which is easy to decide from. There are grounds for choosing an action as each will have moral consequences regarding decision made .In a moral dilemma, the person in question is faced by a situation whereby he/she has to make a choice which in morally correct. Moral dilemmas can be characterized by Kohlberg’s theory of development. As such, a person involved in such a dilemma has to think critically in order to make the right choice.

In literature, an example of a moral dilemma can be found on Plato’s book of Republic. Gyges age 40 years; the king’s bodyguard is faced with a moral dilemma whereby he is faced with a difficult choice to make. The queen, Lydia, call upon him to either murder Candaules who is the king and take her and become king or else he would be killed (Laird 16). This was a very tough choice to make since the king trusted him for his loyalty towards him. The situation was forcing him to decide either between life and death. To kill or be killed as a compromise. He opted to kill his ruler and live, and become the owner to the throne, and marry the king’s wife (Laird 16).

In Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, moral thinking can be classified in different stages. In the scenario above, Gyges reasoning can be classified in the first stage which is the pre-conventional stage (Winter 1). In this stage, it is further classified into obedience and punishment orientation and self – interest orientation (Winter 1). Gyges wanted to escape been punished by the queen by death if he failed to kill the king. When he decided to kill his ruler, he was acting in obedience to the queen failure to which he would be punished by murder.  He was also self – centered as he chose wealth and leadership associated with becoming king and having the queen as his wife.

In conclusion, moral dilemma has choices which involves moral decision been made. Kohlberg’s moral development theory summarizes moral dilemma whereby in the above situation, there is the preconvention stage of moral thinking which involves self-love and obedience- punishment course. As such, moral dilemma requires a person to make a choice justly despite the situation at hand.


Cyberbullying is an aggressive, intentional behavior done by a person or a group using online resources to a victim who cannot protect themselves against. It has become a frequent form of bullying as most people have access to electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets and laptops. Availability of the internet has also played a great impact on the growth of cyberbullying as people communicate through online platforms such as Facebook and Whatsapp.

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