Get Essay and Assignment Help-History 1601E (History of East Asia)

Get Essay and Assignment Help-History 1601E (History of East Asia)-What is Expected from the Essay

The point of any essay is not simply to reiterate what one finds in source material on a particular topic. An essay should present one’s interpretation/understanding of a topic, or an aspect of a topic, and to articulate that as precisely and coherently as possible. Thus, an academic essay is not simply a list of facts, no matter how good the facts are. Therefore, the essay should have a thesis, or area of focus. This does not necessarily take the form of an argument per se, but it does have to let the reader know what you are trying to get across in the paper. For a guide on formulating a thesis, see the section, “Thesis Statements,” in the following website:


The following are the topics for your essay – you must sign up for the topic in your tutorial during the week of March 3-6.

Topics will be limited to one person per tutorial – this is to ensure that adequate library resources will be available for each topic. Choose your topic from the following list and sign up in your tutorial. Substitutions will be permitted only with the written consent of the instructor.



  1. Bushidō in Tokugawa Japan
  2. The Changing Status of Japanese Women in Modern Times
  3. Tokugawa Japan’s isolationist policy
  4. Government and Business in Postwar Japan
  5. Hiroshima and the Atomic Bomb
  6. Meiji Japan
  7. Militarism in Modern Japan
  8. Modern Japanese Popular Culture (why did manga become so popular in post-war Japan?)
  9. Modern Japanese Popular Culture, anime
  10. The Post-war Legacy of Japanese Imperialism (why is Japan reluctant to formally apologize for its actions in Asia during the Pacific War?)
  11. The Road to Pearl Harbor
  12. The Russo-Japanese War
  13. “Cool Japan”
  14. “J-pop”


  1. The changing status of Chinese women in modern times
  2. Chiang Kai-shek
  3. China’s export of labour: from the 19th to the 21st centuries
  4. Changes to China’s One Child Policy, 2015
  5. China and Tibet
  6. China and North Korea
  7. The Chinese Revolution of 1911
  8. Confucianism in Modern China
  9. The Cultural Revolution in China
  10. The Democracy Movement in China (1980s)
  11. Deng Xiaoping and China’s Reform Era
  12. Dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands: the Chinese perspective
  13. Empress Dowager Cixi
  14. The Great Leap Forward
  15. The Long March
  16. “Made in China”—product safety issues: Whose responsibility?
  17. Mao Zedong
  18. The May Fourth Movement
  19. Chinese Media (why does China maintain strict control over its media?)
  20. The Nationalist Era in Taiwan (how has the ‘2-28’ legacy altered the balance of political power in post-war Taiwan?)
  21. Sun Yat-sen
  22. The Tiananmen Square Incident
  23. The Nanjing Massacre
  24. The Warlord Era in 1920s China
  25. Yan’an Era (how did the Chinese Communist Party develop its political strategy during the Yan’an era?)


  1. The Changing status of Korean women in modern times.
  2. Christianity in Korea (why did Christianity become so popular in Korea during the late 19th and early 20th centuries)
  3. Cultural Life of late-Chosŏn Korea
  4. Four ‘Little Tigers’ and the Asian ‘Economic Miracle’
  5. Intellectual Life of late-Chosŏn Korea (Silhak, “Practical Learning”)
  6. Japan’s Occupation of Korea (1910-1945)
  7. Kim Jong Un
  8. Kim Jong-nam
  9. Kim Il-Sung and the DPRK
  10. The Korean War
  11. ‘Korean Wave’ in Modern Popular Culture (why did Korean popular culture gain such success in Asia in the 1990’s?)
  12. “Korean Cool”
  13. “K-pop”
  14. Military Dictatorship in South Korea
  15. The North Korean Nuclear Threat
  16. Women in Chosŏn Korea
  17. “Unified Korea” at the 2018 Winter Olympics




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