Get Cheap Essay Online: What are the symptoms of paranoid, antisocial, and avoidant personality disorders?
PSY 2010, Abnormal Psychology 5
In your briefing, you should include the components below:
Address the diagnosis and treatment.
o What are the symptoms of paranoid, antisocial, and avoidant personality disorders?
o What personality cluster best fits with Mary’s presentation, and which disorder most specifically describes her condition?
o What aspect of her behavior, over time, is the most central to your diagnosis?
o What aspect of her “symptom picture” might mislead you to an erroneous diagnosis, and what might that incorrect diagnosis be?
o What treatment approach(es) would best address the disorder?
Identify the legal and ethical issues.
o At what point could outside agents legally intervene in this case?
o Who could intervene, and what steps could each actor take?
o If she committed a crime, would she be legally competent to stand trial? Why? What issues are involved in this decision?
o What aspects of her symptom pattern would suggest/justify a need for civil commitment?
Your brief must be a minimum of two pages in length, and it should be formatted in APA style, including title and reference pages. You must use a minimum of two sources, one of which must be an academic Internet source