Get Cheap Essay Online: multicultural and global education

Get Cheap Essay Online: multicultural and global educationFor this Assignment, you will write a pa

per on the subject of global education. Your paper should draw upon the ideas of philosophers like John Dewey (1916), Paolo Freire (1970), Henry Giroux (1981), and other academics who seek to improve the world through education.

Focus on one of these topics for your paper:

  • What reasons justify that we (American educators) should take a global view of education? Are there any reasons why we should NOT take this view?
  • How does global education differ from “multicultural education” in both purpose and form?
  • How does global education affect the methodologies that are present in our classrooms today? Do they support or diminish their effective influence on student achievement?
  • How does a global view of education coincide with the academic expectations of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) for the education of all students? Is this legislation a threat to the idea of incorporating a global view of education within American schools today? Why or why not?
  • Compared to the other pedagogical philosophies you have read and discussed in this course, how much support does global education have among today’s educators? Does today’s educator embrace all that a global education can offer to our students or have we completely taken on a 21st Century idealistic perspective of how education should look within our school
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