Get Cheap Custom Essay Help-Learning Journal

Instruction of learning journal:


Learning is enhanced by reflecting on and explicating what you have learned. To this end, you will submit a learning journal twice during the course—once at the midpoint and again at the end of the course. The journal is an individual assignment.


Please write a 1-2 page reflection of the group project (e.g., insights you plan to apply beyond the course, challenges that arose and how you overcame them, revisions you would make to either section of the Requirements Document).

Your paper should be single-spaced, 1″ margins, 12-point font.


You will receive up to 5 points for timely completion of this assignment. The process of thinking through and creating the journal entry is the learning exercise—and as such, the journal entry will not be assessed.

You will be expected to:

  • Address all the questions noted above
  • Demonstrate an ability to critically analyze your observations, applying knowledge gained through this course
  • Produce a coherent paper following the expectations on grammar and form


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