Get Cheap Custom Essay Help-Baldrige Project: Voice of the Customer and Customer Engagement

Get Cheap Custom Essay Help-Baldrige Project: Voice of the Customer and Customer Engagement

Baldrige Project: Voice of the Customer


For the Baldrige Projects throughout the course, you will be evaluating the Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study documents which are available in the “Baldrige Projects: Overview, Guidelines, Template, and Rubric” module of the course

  • Open the 2017-2018 Baldrige Excellence Framework Health Care.pdf document in “Baldrige Excellence Framework – Introduction and Criteria” module and review the following sections:
    • Health Care Criteria for Performance Excellence Overview and Structure (pp. 1-2)
    • Organizational Profile (pp. 4-6)
    • Category 3.1 Voice of the Customer (pp. 13-14)
    • Scoring System and Scoring Guidelines (pp. 31-36)
    • Core Values and Concepts (pp. 40-44)
  • Review the following documents (you will be using these as a guide in completing all the Baldrige assignments):
    • A-D-L-I Factors (Process Items).pdf
    • Strength-OFI Comment Guidelines.pdf
    • Scoring Guidelines for Process Items.pdf
  • Read the following documents:
    • Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study Background and Organizational Profile.pdf
    • Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study Process Categories.pdf – Category 3 Customers, section 3.1 Voice of the Customer


Assignment Task:

  1. Open the “Baldrige Projects – Customers 3.1a(1) & a(2) example.xlsx” and review the information entered in the “Key Factors” tab. This section was completed by evaluating Arroyo Fresco’s responses to questions in the Organizational Profile.
  2. Click on the “3.1 Voice of the Customer” tab and complete the worksheet using the following steps:
    1. Read the criteria item and review the questions under the “Criteria Requirements” column.
    2. Determine the most relevant key factors for the item. Considering what the Criteria is asking, which of these organizational attributes would have the greatest influence on the applicant’s responses to the item requirements?
    3. Read section 3.1 of the Arroyo Fresco application. Identify processes the applicant uses to address item requirements or any gaps between the Criteria and the applicant’s response.
    4. Evaluate the processes that have been identified in the application using the guidelines provided in the A-D-L-I Factors (Process Items).pdf file. Make notes in the “Strength Evidence” and “Opportunity for Improvement” columns in the worksheet.
    5. Write one strength and one opportunity for improvement (OFI) comment for the organization. For this first assignment, I have provided an example for you.
      1. The first sentence of each comment should include a strength (or OFI) that relates to one of the ADLI factors and a criteria item. For example, “AF evaluates its methods for listening to patients to identify opportunities for improvement and integrates patient feedback into its service design and delivery processes.” Improvement (learning) and integration are two factors that the applicant addressed for process of listening to patients (criteria item).
      2. For strength comments, the second sentence will provide an example from the organization’s application). For example, “These activities are performed on a monthly basis by the SWST.” AF provides evidence of learning and integration related to this process. (Note: For OFI comments, you will not have an example since this identifies a gap).
  • The last sentence should provide relevance; in other words, link the comment to a key factor in order to highlight a benefit that the organization may realize if continuing its current approach (strength) or closing a gap that exists. For example, “This approach aligns with AF’s core competency to provide culturally-competent, patient-centered care.” Linking the strength to a core competency provides relevance of this process for AF.
  1. Score the organization (in the cell provided at the top of the worksheet) based on the most appropriate scoring band using the “Scoring Guidelines for Process Items.pdf” file.


Once you have completed the assigned section, save the Excel file and submit through the Assignments folder. You will be adding to the contents of the file with each Baldrige project, so by the end of the semester, all worksheets items will be completed within a single file. Use the following file naming system: Baldrige Project {Lesson Title} – last name.doc. For this assignment, the filename would be “Baldrige Project Voice of the Customer – your last name.doc”

Baldrige Project: Customer Engagement

  • Open the 2017-2018 Baldrige Excellence Framework Health Care.pdf document in “Baldrige Excellence Framework – Introduction and Criteria” module and review the following sections:
    • Category 3.2 Customer Engagement (pp. 14-15)
  • Read the following document:
    • Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study Process Categories.pdf – Category 3 Customers, section 3.2 Customer Engagement


Assignment Task:

  1. Open the “Baldrige Projects” Excel file that you have been working on throughout the course, click on the “3.2 Customer Engagement” tab and complete the worksheet using the following steps:
    1. Read the criteria item and review the questions under the “Criteria Requirements” column.
    2. Determine the most relevant key factors for the item. Considering what the Criteria is asking, which of these organizational attributes would have the greatest influence on the applicant’s responses to the item requirements?
    3. Read section 3.2 of the Arroyo Fresco application. Identify processes the applicant uses to address item requirements or any gaps between the Criteria and the applicant’s response.
    4. Evaluate the processes that have been identified in the application using the guidelines provided in the A-D-L-I Factors (Process Items).pdf file. Make notes in the “Strength Evidence” and “Opportunity for Improvement” columns in the worksheet.
    5. Write one strength and one opportunity for improvement (OFI) comment for the organization.
      1. The first sentence of each comment should include a strength (or OFI) that relates to one of the ADLI factors and a criteria item.
      2. For strength comments, the second sentence will provide an example from the organization’s application). (Note: For OFI comments, you will not have an example since this identifies a gap).
  • The last sentence should provide relevance; in other words, link the comment to a key factor in order to highlight a benefit that the organization may realize if continuing its current approach (strength) or closing a gap that exists.
  1. Score the organization (in the cell provided at the top of the worksheet) based on the most appropriate scoring band using the “Scoring Guidelines for Process Items.pdf” file.


Once you have completed the assigned section, save the Excel file and submit through the Assignments folder. You will be adding to the contents of the file with each Baldrige project, so by the end of the semester, all worksheets items will be completed within a single file. Use the following file naming system: Baldrige Project {Lesson Title} – last name.doc. For this assignment, the filename would be “Baldrige Project Customer Engagement – your last name.doc”

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