Get Cheap Custom Essay Help-Argumentative Essay

Get Cheap Custom Essay Help-Argumentative Essay

Hints for Making a Strong Unit 3 Argument

  • Not a pro/con argument! This argument will be a pro/pro and one is better argument
  • Focus on the donor’s criteria in organizing and making your argument
  • Show that you are realistic and pragmatic! Acknowledge strengths and weaknesses of the proposed responses.
  • The reason why one response is better than the other may be a relatively minor difference – that is OK. Choices in the real world often come down to minor differences.
  • You may propose an existing response, a revision to an existing response or propose something new. The key is that you are able to make an evidence based argument in support of what you propose.


Proposing a response of the right size or scope.

Response should be a specific kind of response with a specific target audience. The broad categories of prevention and intervention are too broad. On the other hand, you do not need to specify/name a particular organization. You may do so but you must also specify which program or effort by the organization you are recommending. You cannot just recommend an organization.

Example: Math Anxiety

  • Prevention: too broad
  • Parent Awareness to Prevent Math Anxiety: A little better but still much too broad and vague
  • Parent Awareness Campaign about Raising STEM-Ready Daughters: Much better but still too broad
  • Parent Awareness Campaign focused on parents of kindergarten girls about raising STEM-ready daughters. Very strong narrow focus – what kindergarten-aged girls need is much different than older girls.
  • Parent Awareness Campaign focused on parents of kindergarten girls in low-income, inner city areas about raising STEM-ready daughters. Even stronger IF the proposed campaign is tailored for these parents. If not, the proposed response should stay one step broader.
  • Parent Awareness Campaign about Raising STEM-ready daughters at Robious Elementary School. Unnecessarily narrow.


The role of specific organizations in your paper

  • Avoid proposing support of an organization instead of a specific kind of response.
    • Example: proposing that the donors donate their money to the Wounded Warrior Project is a mistake.


  • You may use a program provided by a particular organization as an example:
    • Example: The Wounded Warrior Project lists 14 different programs it provides. Choose ONE thing the organization does. You could propose donating to a peer support program for veterans suffering from PTSD like the one offered by the Wounded Warrior Project. Your argument would include discussion of different features of that program and reasons and evidence why it would be a good choice for the donors


  • You may use specific programs as examples even if you are not recommending them to the donors.



Mapping Tool for Compare/Contrast Argument

Use this table to organize your thoughts about the relative value of responses for the donors. You are welcome to add rows if you think there are additional ways to compare and contrast the responses. The more concrete and specific you writing is in the table, the more useful it will be in drafting your paper.


Description/Criteria Response 1 Response 2 Best Response or Same Value?
Describe the response including who is targeted     N/A
What aspect of the problem is targeted?      
If there is a chain of effect to reducing suffering, who else is in the chain?      
What is the expected positive effect?/what suffering is prevented or reduced?      
How does the effect happen?



How is the positive impact of the response sustained      
How could the positive effect be measured?      
What likely obstacles would there be to implementing the response?      
What will the response not address?



What sources do you have the speak to the effect, how it works and its likely effectiveness      



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