Get Cheap assignment Help Online:What is meant by Exchange Theory and how does it apply Rational Choice Theory to social interactions?

Get Cheap assignment Help Online:What is meant by Exchange Theory and how does it apply Rational Choice Theory to social interactions?

Answer the following questions in the Discussion area of our course webpage. (Be sure to comment on at least three other students’ postings.  I want to see a lively discussion and debate).

What is meant by the social constructionist paradigm and how is it useful for understanding conflict

and conflict analysis?   Explain and provide an example.

A. How is the related work of Erving Goffman, on narrative framing, ritual, presentation of self, dramaturgy, and symbolic interactionism, useful in understanding how people relate to each other?  Explain.

B. Why is it useful to focus on stories, or “narratives” in conflict analysis? Explain and use an example. 

C. What is meant by narrative mediation as an approach to conflict resolution?  Explain and provide an example of a conflict and how narrative mediation might tackle the conflict.

D. How can Stand-point theory be applied to conflict analysis and resolution? Explain and give an example.

E. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the social constructionist/narrative approach in your view?  I welcome a healthy debate as usual.

A. What is meant by the Rational Choice paradigm and why and how is it useful for understanding conflict and conflict resolution? Explain and provide an example.

B. What is meant by Exchange Theory and how does it apply Rational Choice Theory to social interactions? Explain and provide an example.

C. What is meant by Game Theory and how does it apply Rational Choice Theory to negotiating and bargaining? Explain and use and example.

D. What is the Prisoner’s Dilemma Model? Explain.What are the implications of this model for all negotiating, at all levels? Explain and provide an example of its application at the individual- interaction level, societal level, and global geo-political level (Include a discussion of the potential for a world war. Consider also applications in terrorism and community-police relations). Explain and debate.

E. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the rational choice approach? In your view, are you persuaded by this approach or do you think it is lacking as an approach to conflict analysis and resolution? Explain and debate.

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