Get Cheap assignment Help Online: Which stage(s) of the consumer decision-making process does this ad address?

Get Cheap assignment Help Online: Which stage(s) of the consumer decision-making process does this ad address?

Answer the following questions based on the print ad using the target marketing process:

1. Please describe the ad, the brand advertised and the reason why you chose this particular ad.

2. Based on the ad, describe the characteristics that you feel the target group for this ad may have by using as much detail as possible.

3. Describe the type of segmentation used. (demographic, psychographic, geographic, etc. and any combination).

4. Level(s) of needs addressed by this ad according to Maslow’s hierarchy theory? Describe in detail how this need is reflected in this print advertisement.

5. Which stage(s) of the consumer decision-making process does this ad address? Describe in detail.

6. How is the company/brand in the ad positioned? (price, value, etc.) Please explain in detail.

7. Write a statement reflecting what you believe to be the brand’s positioning based on this print ad.

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