Get Cheap assignment Help Online: What is leachate?

Get Cheap assignment Help Online: What is leachate?


1. Where do plastic bottles begin their life’s journey?

2. What are monomers?

3.  Explain what happens to Bottle 1.

4. What is leachate?

5. How many years does it take for Bottle 1 to decompose?

6. Explain how Bottle 2 ends up in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

7. How is plastic detrimental to marine animals and birds?

8. Humans may eventually ingest the plastic from Bottle 2 – explain how this may happen.

9. Bottle 2 may break apart to become smaller and smaller pieces called:

10. Bottle 3 has a different journey.  Describe the process that Bottle 3 goes through.

11. What possible outcomes may the last bottle be remade into?  Provide at least 3 examples.

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