Get Cheap assignment Help Online: What are the benefits of a healthcare organization to provide cultural awareness training for employees?

Get Cheap assignment Help Online: What are the benefits of a healthcare organization to provide cultural awareness training for employees?

  • What can specific language barriers result when you communicate with a patient who speaks limited English?
  • How do you adjust to conflicting values or traditions from patients  in a specific religion or culture? For example, patients who are  Jehovah’s Witness religion may refuse blood products or other religions  may not eat pork. How do you adjust dietary restrictions communicating  in a collaborative manner with the dietary department?
  • What are the benefits of a healthcare organization to provide cultural awareness training for employees? Does your current or past  organization provide cultural awareness training? If not, what will you  recommend to your management team?
  • Select one culture different from yours and describe how this culture deals with death and mourning.V
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