Get Cheap Assignment Help Online-UP100 Transportation Project


Get Cheap Assignment Help Online-UP100 Transportation Project

UP100 Transportation Project Description
For this assignment, you will have an opportunity to participate an ongoing campus wide research on
MSU campus mobility. With 5,200 acres of land and about 60,000 students, faculties, and staff, MSU is
one of the largest universities in the nation in terms of both area and population. The purpose of the
research is to have a better understanding of how pedestrian, bicycles, and cars move across campus at
any given time. The information will enable the university to make changes to the transportation
system, which, in turn, will make the campus safer, more efficient and sustainable. For example, MSU is
considering implementing an Autonomous bus and a bike share system.
The MSU Mobility Research app was created for data collection purpose (see Appendix A: How to
download the MSU Mobility Research app from App Store, and Appendix B: How to download CSV data
file from the MSU Mobility Research app). This app collects location and motion data from iPhone users
while inside the MSU campus but stops collecting data once users outside of the campus geofence. It
uploads these data anonymously to a secure MSU server. The aggregation of these mobility data will
provide the information needed for the research. For those of you who do not have iPhone, you can use
any Android app (e.g. Mapmyrun) that has the same function. All research participants will have a
chance to win a price that will be randomly draw on April 15, 2018. The non-iPhone participants can still
participate the research and price drawing by mailing in data or through a web-based interface. Details
of registering for the rewards can be found at Https://
For the class project, each student is expected to collect his/her own data for two days on April 3rd and
th. You need to compare these two days’ travel data1 and associated energy consumption and carbon
footprint (CO2 emission). For these two days, you need use different travel modes for part of your daily
activities so that you have used more than one travel mode. For example, if you normally take buses to
classes, you may ride a bicycle or walk to classes for one part of your daily trip for comparison purpose.
There are two parts of your assignment. One is an excel dataset that has each major trips
2and their
calculated attributes (specified below) of your two days. The other is a written report (maximum of 5
pages, double space) that include 1) the description of your two-day trips and maps (which include your
normal commute mode to campus and on campus travel mode), 2) the design of Autonomous bus
routes on campus and your thoughts on the design , and 3) the design of a bike share system on campus
and your preference of a station-based or a dockless bike share. Below are the specific requirements for
your class project:
1. Build a excel spreadsheet for each trip including following attributes3
 Date,
 Start Time,
 Start Location (in Latitude, Longitude),
 End Time,
 End Location (in Latitude, Longitude),
 trip length (in miles),

For privacy reason, start recording trips once on campus.
For simplification purpose, only include the inter-building trips.
3 An Excel file is attached with two example trips.
 travel mode (walking (1), bicycle(2), bus(3), car(4), car-pool(5), uber(6))
 travel time (in minutes),
 cost (in $),
 transportation energy consumption (in gallons of gas)
 CO2 emission (g/mile)
 Calorie burned (kcal)
2. Show your travel routes and design routes on map (can be captured or downloaded from MSU
Mobility Research app or any app you use),
3. Compare and summarize your results and findings , and
4. Specify and reference your assumptions in your report if you use different assumptions from
what I specified below.
Assumptions can be used in your excel spreadsheet calculation:
 Walking burns 5 calories per minute
 Bicycling burns 50 calories per mile
 Sitting burns 60 calories per hour
 Bus consumes 5 mile per gallon of Clean Natural Gas (CNG)
 Bus emits 140 g/mile of CO2
 Car consumes 15 mile per gallon of gas
 Car emits 130 g/mile of CO2
Grading criteria (total of 15 points/15% of grade)
 Participation in app download, data collection in the two days specified (30%)
 Excel spreadsheet calculation (30%)
 Written report (40%)
Helpful websites

4 One mode per trip, if you use multiple modes for a trip, separate the trip into multiple small trips so that each trip
has only one mode.
Appendix A
How to download MSU Mobility Research app from App Store
Go to App store and search for MSU mobility research (see the picture below). Download the app.
When you open the app the first time, a few questions you need to answer related to your privacy and
an agreement you need to sign. After your signature, a page like below will appear. Make sure to select
the very bottom “Urban Planning/UP100” as your position. If you select any other position, your data
will not be put in our class project dataset which will result in your failing the class project. If, for any
reason, you missed this page, you need to reinstall the app, as this question only appear once before
you use the app.
There are three tabs at the bottom of the app, select the controls tab and turn on “Donate Location
Data” button. When you turn on the button, it will give a few options: while using the app, always on,
never. Chose always on. This app only collects your data while you are on campus. No data is saved once
off campus.
Select this position!
One the data tab, the app will show the dates that you have donated data. Click on a date, the app will
show your on-campus travel activity route map.

Appendix B
How to download the CSV data file from MSU Mobility Research app

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