Get Cheap assignment Help Online: The strengths and weaknesses of using monetary policy versus fiscal policy when promoting economic activity and preserving price stability.

Get Cheap assignment Help Online: The strengths and weaknesses of using monetary policy versus fiscal  policy when promoting economic activity and preserving price stability.

Evaluate  the role and effectiveness of the Federal Reserve in stabilizing the  economy since the 2007-2009 recession and its continued  impact on the current state of the economy:

  1. The monetary policy tools.
  2. The ways in which the Federal Reserve adjusted the tools in response to the financial crisis of 2007–2009.
  3. Based on your research, did the financial crisis of 2007-2009 compromise the independence of the Federal Reserve?
  4. The strengths and weaknesses of using monetary policy versus fiscal  policy when promoting economic activity and preserving price stability.
  5. Based on your research, should the Fed change some of its current  monetary policy targets, such as the 2-percent inflation target?
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