Get Cheap assignment Help Online: Public education on both the potential disaster and what individuals can do to prepare.

Get Cheap assignment Help Online: Public education on both the potential disaster and what individuals can do to prepare.

1. Describe the demographics (gender, ethnicity, socio-economic), geography (location and environmental features), and assets of this community

2. Identify the multiple levels of government and the health services that would be expected to react to a disaster. At the smallest level of government which has health services, find the names of health officials, their titles, and their supervising agencies:

3. Describe the type of disaster that could happen in this community. Explain why this type of disaster is a possibility for this community:

4. Preparedness guidelines for community health officials. Include guidelines for:
Public education on both the potential disaster and what individuals can do to prepare. Communication guidelines for families, communities (i.e., neighborhoods), and government entities:

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