Get Cheap assignment Help Online: Methods for measuring output and impact objectives and indicate how you would track coverage, quantify results and analyze the effectiveness of your PR program.

Get Cheap assignment Help Online: Methods for measuring output and impact objectives and indicate how you would track coverage, quantify results and analyze the effectiveness of your PR program.

· Research Analysis identifying the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, competitors, opportunities, obstacles, customers, opinion leaders and target audiences

· Goals – a minimum of two organizational goals that emerge from the PR audit findings and the organization’s mission

· Objectives – identify at least five measurable objectives that are quantifiable with timeframes

· Programming – a minimum of four programming strategies, plus six or more tactical recommendations for internal publics and six or more tactical recommendations for external publics to achieve the objectives you established.

· Big idea and message points, mediums, amplifiers

· Time schedule and sequence flow of implementation

· Evaluation Plan – methods for measuring output and impact objectives and indicate how you would track coverage, quantify results and analyze the effectiveness of your PR program.

Compile your executive summary, analysis, goals and objectives, programming strategy, big idea, message points, timeline and evaluation plan into a concise, strategic, cohesive final campaign proposal. You will make a presentation pitch to the class and turn in your written proposal.

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