Get Cheap assignment Help Online: In what ways are we different from animals, in what ways are we equal? How should we treat them?

Get Cheap assignment Help Online: In what ways are we different from animals, in what ways are we equal? How should we treat them?

Evaluate the various ways we use the terms “nature,” “natural,” and similar expressions. What is remarkable, peculiar, intriguing, disturbing about how we use these terms?

2) Reflect on your experiences in and with “nature.” In your reflection, include some references to your nature journal.

3) Discuss the role of spirituality and religion in our relationship to the environment, be it positive, negative, or both. In your discussion, refer to at least one of the readings.

4) Discuss our various attitudes to animals. In what ways are we different from animals, in what ways are we equal? How should we treat them? In your discussion, refer to at least one of the readings.

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