Get Cheap assignment Help Online: DQ3 electronic reverse reading Class, discrimination isn’t all bad. 

Get Cheap assignment Help Online: DQ3 electronic reverse reading Class, discrimination isn’t all bad.

DQ3 electronic reverse reading
Class, discrimination isn’t all bad.  We all discriminate and it for the most part is good.  I discriminate against Chevy as I only drive Fords and Dodges.  I am discriminate against all women that aren’t blonde and petite as they are the only ones that I date.  I discriminate against all ice cream except Rocky Road.  I discriminate against Hereford cattle as I only raise Black Angus. I only hire women as secretaries as I found they deal with my clients better than men. I can go on and on but I think that you get the point.  None of what I said dictates a discrimination that is protected by Title VII.  We had taken the word discrimination and made it a bad thing but overall it isn’t.  Wouldn’t it be an awful place if everyone wanted to drive a Ford, eat Rocky Road ice cream and only liked Black Angus and so on.  Of course it would be.  Our discriminatory tastes are what make us unique.  What isn’t acceptable is to determine certain things based on Title VII perspectives.   We won’t ever completely eliminate discrimination in the Title VII area as you can’t make people like everybody.  But as far as certain areas such as employment, housing and the like, I believe that we have pretty well done a good job protecting folks based on the Title VII.

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