Get Cheap assignment Help Online: Are there any chronic/life-threatening illnesses or diseases that are transmittable through immunizations?

Get Cheap assignment Help Online: Are there any chronic/life-threatening illnesses or diseases that are transmittable through immunizations?

1. Vaccinations are mandatory for most babies and school-aged children as they build the body’s immune response. What are two (2) pros and two (2) cons of vaccinations.

2. Describe how immunizations affect the lymphatic system and how they affect the immune system.

3. Some vaccines diminish over time and require boosters or additional immunizations. Why is this? Identify two (2) of the most common vaccines that require booster shots.

4. Some people reported being ill after being vaccinated. What is actually happening to their immune system?. Are there any chronic/life-threatening illnesses or diseases that are transmittable through immunizations?

5. Based on research and finding should all vaccines be mandatory or only specific ones? Why or why not?

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