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Plan to write about 400 words. Write essays that show familiarity with both class lecture and reading material.  Also, be sure to answer all aspects of a question, and if a question has multiple parts, be sure to spend a substantial amount of time on each.




In the reading we did from Food rebellions!: Crisis and the hunger for justice, Holt-Gimenez & Patel make a number of important claims concerning the causes of world hunger and how we should understand this.

Write an essay in which you (a) describe as clearly as you can their main points, (b) explain what is significant about them, (c) consider the most important objection you can to either one of the central claims or their general line of thought, and (d) give the best reply to this objection than you can. (It is very likely that this reply would be something that Holt-Gimenez & Patel either say or would say, but it is not necessary that this be so.)


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