Get Case Study Assignment Help-Case 2-5 Coping with Corruption in Trading with Vietnam

Get Case Study Assignment Help-Case 2-5 Coping with Corruption in Trading with Vietnam

1. List all the different types of bribes, payments, or favors
represented in this case under (a) FCPA, (b) Criminal Law of
PRC, and (c) Law Against Unfair Competition of the PRC.
Why is each either legal or illegal?
2. For those practices that you listed as illegal, classify each
as lubrication, extortion, or subornation, and explain your
3. Which of the payments, favors, or bribes are illegal under the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)?
4. Assuming that the FCPA did not exist, what is the ethical
response to each of the payments, favors, or bribes you
have identified? Read the section titled Ethical and Socially Responsible Decisions in Chapter 5 as a guide to assist you
in your decision.
5. In your view, which of the expenses detailed in the lawsuit
could be in violation of the FCPA, and which could be legitimate
business expenses as the American Company contends?
6. Discuss the legal/ethical issues raised by the comments by
the retired Foreign Service agent and the consultant.
7. List alternatives to paying bribes in international markets and
discuss the plusses and minuses of each.

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