Get Biology Essay Help-Motor Skills Assignment

Get Biology Essay Help-Motor Skills Assignment


Assignment one is an individual written assignment which requires you to select a skill (basketball arm shooting, or wrist shooting, or any skill you good at to write), conduct an analysis of the skill, discuss the classification of the skill, identify the underlying motor abilities required for skilled performance, and describe how a practitioner could make the skill more memorable to enhance skill acquisition.

Learning outcomes assessed:
1. Describe different ways to classify motor skills

  1. Differentiate skill and ability and identify underlying abilities in skilled movement
  2. Identify how memory can impact performance of motor skills
  3. Search and utilize credible research evidence


  • Introduction:

Provide an introduction to the chosen skill, offering a brief analysis of the movement. Your introduction should also include definitions of motor skill from more than one source. Analysis of the movement should be supported by relevant evidence.

  • Paragraph 1: classification of skill

Provide a description of how this skill is classified on the continua discussed in week 1. You may use diagrams to demonstrate your classifications. Provide a concise rationale explaining your classifications.

  • Paragraph 2:  motor abilities

Offer definitions of motor abilities and briefly discuss how these differ from skill. With specific reference to Fleishman’s Taxonomy, identify and discuss the motor abilities which are specifically related to your chosen skill, and how these abilities may be an important factor in determining why people differ in achievement levels of the chosen skill. (such as: explosive strength, aiming, control precision, speed of limb movement….)

  • Paragraph 3: memory

Identifies strategies for enhancing the memory retention of your chosen skill (for example, visual metaphoric imagery). This should be supported by relevant literature and include specific examples to show your understanding of memory principles applied to the specific skill.


  1. Classification of motor skills:
  • Gross motor skill – requires use of large musculature and less precision
  • Fine motor skill – requires greater precision and control of small muscles
  • Discrete skills have a clear beginning and end, usually consisting of one simple movement
  • Continuous skills have an arbitrary beginning and end, usually consisting of repetitive movements
  • Serial skills involve a series or sequence of discrete movements
  • Open skills are performed in a moving or changing environment. Environment determines when (and often how) the skill is performed.
  • Closed skills are performed in a stationary environment where the performer determines when to begin the action.
  1. Motor Ability
  • An ability that is specifically related to the performance of a motor skill
  • Each person has a variety of motor abilities
  • General Motor Ability Hypothesis: Many motor abilities are highly related and can be grouped as a singular, global motor ability
  • Specificity of Motor Ability Hypothesis: Many motor abilities are relatively independent in an individual
  • Edwin Fleishman developed a taxonomy of motor abilities “to define the fewest independent ability categories which might be useful and meaningful in describing performance in the widest variety of tasks”
  1. Memory
  • Memory structure comprised of two functional systems:
    • Working memory
      • Duration: Maintains information for 20-30 sec. before losing parts of info
      • Capacity: Can store ~ 7 items (+/- 2) (Miller, 1956 – has received further support); Person can increase capacity through organization “Chunking”
    • Long-term memory: Serves as the more permanent storage repository of information
      • Function: Information about specific past events and general knowledge
      • Duration: Unknown since we cannot satisfactorily measure duration of info in LTM
      • Capacity: Relatively unlimited
    • Three Types of Memory Systems in Long-Term Memory:
      • Procedural: Stores information about “how to do” specific activities, e.g. motor skills
      • Semantic: Stores general knowledge about the world based upon experiences, e.g. concepts
      • Episodic: Stores knowledge about personally experienced events
    • Remembering and forgetting terminology
      • Encoding: Process of transforming information into a form that can be stored in memory
      • Storage: Process of placing information in long-term memory
      • Rehearsal: Process that enables transfer of information from working to long-term memory
      • Retrieval: Process of searching through LTM for information needed for present use
    • Causes of forgetting
      • Trace decay: Forget due to the passing of time (Interference of other cognitive activities)
      • Proactive interference: Forget due to activity that occurs prior to presentation of information to be remembered
      • Retroactive interference: Forget due to activity occurring after movement to remember (during the retention interval)
    • Causes of forgetting
      • Trace decay: Forget due to the passing of time (Interference of other cognitive activities)
      • Proactive interference: Forget due to activity that occurs prior to presentation of information to be remembered
      • Retroactive interference: Forget due to activity occurring after movement to remember (during the retention interval)
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