Get Assignment Paper Help-Write a paper describing a utopia where things are amazing then fall apart

Write a paper describing a utopia where things are amazing then fall apart. The story should follow something along this plot. A plot in a perfect world where its self sufficient and no one has work, all the time they have is for leisure. In this world all what people will do is have fun (sex food sleep). However, a crisis soon occurs where this character incurs an STD, the first person to ever be sick in that world as that was a world without sicknesses. The STD is the person who has sex with him has the opposite gender. Then this guy becomes wanted and everyone wants to have sex with him and test things on him in order to do more with their leisure. Because, utopias are boring without the problem. You can change the STD into whatever plot you want it can be changing color, AIDS or whatever. It’s a creative writing where utopia and distopia occur. no need for sources as it is a creative writing. This is the general structure of the text. End the story with the main character waking up from a bad trip, as he took in drugs to forget his sorrows of breaking his wrist whilst fencing. Add names, fancy scenery, and it is fine to apply political structures and philosophical themes.

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