Get Assignment Paper Help-Social Philosophy Final Required Book: Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Debate

Get Assignment Paper Help: Social Philosophy Final Required Book: Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Debate


Respond to one of the prompts below with a paper of 7 to 10 pages, double-spaced. The claims made in your paper should be supported through careful engagement with the text. I welcome you to contact me if you have any questions.

Paper Topic:

Nancy Fraser discusses how the most prominent approaches to injustices in society has been either through the lens of a “politics of recognition” or a “politics of redistribution.” She promotes a “two-dimensional” approach in which neither redistribution or recognition becomes the sole model for evaluating and responding to social injustice. Ultimately, she calls for “participatory parity” and “democratic justice” to address the concerns of social problems that emerge from her “two-dimensional” approach. In your paper, consider a specific instance of social injustice and show how it can be understood in through the lens of the politics of redistribution and recognition, then evaluate Fraser’s two-dimensional approach that calls for participatory parity and democratic justice. In your evaluation, you should be show how these approaches would apply to the specific issue that you have chosen to address, providing an analysis of the best way to understanding the issue at hand.



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