Get Assignment Paper Help-Memo Writing in Human Resources

Topic 1:
You work in HR for a company that operates a factory manufacturing fiberglass. There are several hundred employees working in a variety of positions. Your boss has seen a program about drug abuse. He comes into your office in a very excited state. He wants to hire a company to make an unannounced, random drug test of all the employees in the factory.
Some employees work in dangerous jobs (large manufacturing equipment) but others do not (secretarial/administrative work).
The company in the past has paid for some employees to go to rehabilitation centers for alcoholism – these employees either came forward asking for help or had been confronted over deteriorating performance suspected to be due to alcohol abuse. You say you’d like to look into the matter and send him a memo on the subject.

Write a memo addressed to your boss expressing your opinion on his idea for unannounced, random drug testing of all employees.

1. Explain the pros and cons of unannounced random drug testing.
2. Pick a specific state and delineate that state law on unannounced random drug testing.
3. Are there specific legal consequences if the employer violates state law?
Respond to two colleagues.
Use a minimum of two HR/legal references to support your conclusions. Here are a couple to get you started.

Hawaii Drug Laws And Drug Testing.

Alcohol and Drug Testing in the Workplace: 22 Pros and Cons

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Workplace Drug Testing

Topic 2:
An employee comes to your office and says he wants to anonymously make a complaint to the US Occupational Safety and Health Act. He doesn’t want his identity known to his supervisor, who told a group of employees that he would make life difficult for anyone who complained about working conditions.

How would you handle this?

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