Get Assignment Paper Help-“Is Intercourse Enough? The Big ‘O’ and Sexual Behaviors”

Read the Think About It box, “Is Intercourse Enough? The Big ‘O’ and Sexual Behaviors” on pages 446 and 447 in your text and answer the following questions:

How important is experiencing an orgasm? Why do you feel this way?
Can a person experience physical satisfaction and not experience an orgasm during sex? Do you think men and women feel the same about this?
If you are sexually active, have you ever faked an orgasm? Why? If you are not sexually active, would you fake an orgasm? Why or why not?


For each question within the lesson journal topic, journal responses must be between 3-5 sentences in length. Responses should follow the format of the journal questions by indicating which question each response is for (i.e. 1. 2., etc.). You must address each question, providing feedback on the topic. Incomplete sentences and incorrect sentence structure, including capitalization and punctuation will receive deductions.

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