Get Assignment Paper Help-English W131 ML Analytical Reading, Writing, & Inquiry

Get Assignment Paper Help-English W131 ML Analytical Reading, Writing, & Inquiry






Major Revision of a Course Essay

50 points

English W131 ML Analytical Reading, Writing, & Inquiry

Description:     Revise and edit your Researched Paper based on instructor and peer feedback.

Due:                 Friday, April 27th



You will submit to Canvas a revised version of your Researched Paper with your substantial content-based revisions and edits highlighted or bolded. To receive a passing grade on this assignment, you must demonstrate your ability to make both substantial revisions and edits, and your ability to independently improve your work (no outside assistance other than scheduled in-class peer review is allowed for this revision). Your grade will reflect the degree to which you made significant revisions and improvements to the original essay, not the grade of the essay itself.





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