Get Assignment Paper Help-Considering his religious views and anti-war stance, how would Muhammad Ali be viewed if he was boxing today? Is there an athlete today that compares to Ali in a social justice perspective? Is the personal risk comparable?

Get Assignment Paper Help-Considering his religious views and anti-war stance, how would Muhammad Ali be viewed if he was boxing today? Is there an athlete today that compares to Ali in a social justice perspective? Is the personal risk comparable?

Essay Prompts 3
1. Should high profile athletes use their platform to take a stand on race, class, or social issues? Do they have the right to do it while “on the job”? If you were an owner would you feel the same way? Do you think it could potentially affect your earning potential?
2. Considering his religious views and anti-war stance, how would Muhammad Ali be viewed if he was boxing today? Is there an athlete today that compares to Ali in a social justice perspective? Is the personal risk comparable?
3. You are head of the Columbia high school officiating association and a disabled (wheelchair) referee would like to try out to referee high school games. What would you need to consider legally? What accommodations would you need to implement? Does the price incurred to the organization for making such accommodations factor into your decision?
4. Describe the sport and physical activity opportunities for, and experiences of, people with disabilities. Explain three strategies to improve the current status you described.
5. You are tasked with approaching Mizzou Athletic Director Jim Sterk with a proposal to start an eSport athletics team. State your case.
6. Since its creation in 2005, Quidditch has become one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Research shows the gender-integrated sport is already changing lives and perceptions for the better. Explain the Quidditch phenomenon and compare and contrast it to other popular and emerging sports. How could more emerging sports build on the progress?

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