OSH-320-02 Water Treatment Design Homework
Complete the following problems and show ALL work. Ensure the answer is in the appropriate units listed. State all assumptions.
Determine the volume of a clearwell in gallons given the following dimensions: Length = 30ft, Width = 20 ft, and Height = 18 ft
Determine the minimum size requirement in gallons for a settling basin given a 4 hour detention time and a current water treatment plant operation of 2 million gallons per day (mgpd).
Given an in-line rapid mix pipe sized at 20 ft long by 24 inches in diameter, determine the maximum amount of water in mgpd a plant should be designed at to ensure an appropriate detention time is maintained.
Determine the output of a water treatment plant given a current population of 24,000 people. Answer in mgpd.
Given the current population listed above, size a new water treatment facility if the expected population growth is 5% every decade and the expected usage for the new plant is 30 years until it will be upgraded again. Answer in million gallons per day (mgpd).
A plant is currently designed at 8 mgpd but actually only averages 4 mgpd. Determine the average number of people that the plant currently provides water for.
Determine the output of the service pumps in gallons per minute (gpm) if a water treatment plant produces an average of 2 mgpd.
Determine the total output of a water treatment plant that currently has a population of 50,000 people with 3 industrial facilities using the following amounts of water per facility. Facility #1 – 500,000 gpd, Facility #2 – 1.5 mgpd, Facility #3 – 800,000 gpd. Answer in million gallons per day (mgpd).