Get Assignment Help-MKT434 Global Marketing Management Spring 2018 Group Project

Get Assignment Help-MKT434 Global Marketing Management Spring 2018 Group Project
MKT434 Global Marketing Management Spring 2018
Group Project Guide
In a group of 3 to 4 students, you and your team are to develop a global marketing program for a local
(i.e., based in the UAE) company serving the consumer market. Specifically, you are going to perform the
following tasks:
1. Choose a local consumer good company for your project.
2. Select four candidate countries your group wish to work on. You can use your work developed in
the individual assignment as input for the IMS analysis.
3. Analyze the four candidate countries following the international market selection (IMS) process,
and to shortlist one country/segment to enter.
4. Analyze the firm’s competitiveness relative to the main competitor(s) in the selected market.
5. Develop a global marketing strategy which addresses the market entry approach (i.e., export-,
intermediate- or hierarchical mode), target segment(s), and the marketing mix.
Have your typed report submitted in both hard and soft copies. The soft copy should be uploaded to
Blackboard as Safe Assign by Wednesday May 9, 2018. Late submission will be penalized at rate of 10%
per day or part thereof. Meanwhile, a hard copy to be submitted in person to your instructor during the
class time of the week.
The length of the report is no more than 15 pages (excluding references, title page, table of contents, list
of tables and/or figures and the appendix) using 12-point font and 1.5-line spacing.
The report should be guided by the following outline:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive summary
A very brief description of the product/service and brand
International market segmentation
Based on the framework shown in textbook chapter 8, conduct IMS analysis (political,
economic, and cultural factors) of the four candidate countries. Select the most attractive
country or segment as the one you are going to enter.
Target Markets/Segments
Define, describe and elaborate on the target market/s. Consider all aspects (culture,
demographics, consumer behavior and industry structure where relevant). Highlight
MKT434 Global Marketing Management Spring 2018
potential differences of consumer behavior in the host country relative to those in the
home country.
Competitive situation
Identify main competitors and analyze the competitive situation (e.g., market dominance
and rivalry) in each market/segment. Try to identify competitive advantages of the focal
company over its competitors (if there are any).
Market entry strategy
Based on the results in the preceding sections, specify whether the export-, intermediateor
hierarchical mode should be used to enter the chosen country/segment. Justify your
choice of market entry strategy.
Marketing Mix
Elaborate on each of the 4 Ps in the marketing mix strategy, linking to target customers’
needs and the positioning of your product/service.
Referencing should be done following the Harvard referencing system (author + year in
parenthesis at the citation & reference list at the end of the report).
Tables and figures in order, provide the sources if they are results of secondary research.
The grading rubric is available on BlackBoard.

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