Get Assignment Help-Group Channel Audit Project: identify a B2B or B2C organization that currently has a poor, or non-existent, Digital distribution channel strategy and to make recommendations to the Senior Management Team (SMT) for the digitisation of the distribution process for the chosen organisation.

Your task for this report is doing Profile Organization’s Channel which includes:



Channel Structure

  • Develop a diagram of the organisations current distribution system.
  • Is it a direct, indirect or multi-channel distribution system
  • Develop a Channel Efficiency Flow analysis  for  your online channel only
  • Explain the channel flows and which flows are critical for your organisations.


Channel Intensity

  • Is the distribution model exclusive, intensive or selective
  • Do they have adequate coverage


Channel Gap Analysis:

  • Identify sources of gaps identified in existing distribution system. For example do you need develop or strengthen an existing or new online channel.
  • Does the company have a fit, partial fit or misfit. For example: you might identify they have to strengthen their online channel. It may already exist but needs improving or your might have to develop a online channel presence.
  • Identify gaps that need addressing



Please refer to the Group Channel Audit Project.docx for more details. Moreover, I have uploaded two project samples, so u can get better understanding of how to do the task. And please feel free to ask if you have any questions about task, thank you.

Group Channel Audit Project -Framework

Autumn 2018


Your groups’ task is to identify a B2B or B2C organization that currently has a poor, or non-existent, Digital distribution channel strategy and to make recommendations to the Senior Management Team (SMT) for the digitisation of the distribution process for the chosen organisation.


The group will then be required to analyze the organisations’ current distribution strategy (including a description of the current level of digitisation) and to then go on to make recommendations to redesign the organisations’ distribution strategy either partially, or totally, digitally.


The strategy that you recommend for the redesign of the distribution process may be a complete digitation of the distribution, or a partial digitisation. If your team proposes a partial approach, you are to justify why a totally-digital distribution strategy is not recommended.


If there are alternative digital strategies that may be applicable, a brief description of each alternative is to be provided, along with a justification for the approach taken over the other alternatives. The same is to be done if a less-than-total digitisation approach is suggested: the complete distribution strategy is to be described, along with an analysis of the steps to be digitised and a justification for the retention of the steps that are to be left non-digital.


You may choose a firm that you are familiar with, perhaps one that someone in your group has worked for thus facilitating information gathering and the use of “inside knowledge” so that you can then make relevant, meaningful recommendations. If it is a large organisation, you should choose a single line-of-business or product line as the target of your analysis/review.


The overall strategy that you propose needs to be data, theory and concept driven – you need to justify your choice of the level of digitisation and the approach(es) chosen to the SMT.


The format of the report is compiled by a team of consultants (your team are those consultants) for the consideration of the SMT and you are to “sell” your recommendations to them justifying your approach – based on market, strategic, cost, or other reasons.


The report should be a minimum of 15-20 pages plus appendices and referencing if necessary


Please refer to the Channel Audit Project Structure on Page 2
























Channel Audit Project Structure



Title page


Table of Contents


Executive Summary



  1. Business Description


  • Describe Business
  • Strategic Direction
  • Describe Product / Service offered by the organization
  • Key Strategies
  • Develop a business model canvas


  1. Define the Organisations Channel Environment


  • How environmental factors impact organisations channel
  • PESTEL factors
  • Competition
  • Implications of Organisations Channel Environment


  1. Profile Organisation’s Channel




  • How do users buy? Apply Service Output analysis to understand how end users want to buy, include bulk breaking, spatial convenience, waiting time, variety and assortment, customer service and information provision
  • We want to assess segment attractiveness and target segments that are accessible and profitable so we can design the best channel structure for


Channel Structure


  • Develop a diagram of the organisations current distribution system.
  • Is it a direct, indirect or multi-channel distribution system
  • Develop a Channel Efficiency Flow analysis  for  your online channel only
  • Explain the channel flows and which flows are critical for your organisations .


Channel Intensity


  • Is the distribution model exclusive, intensive or selective
  • Do they have adequate coverage




Channel Gap Analysis:


  • Identify sources of gaps identified in existing distribution system. For example do you need develop or strengthen an existing or new online channel.
  • Does the company have a fit, partial fit or misfit. For example: you might identify they have to strengthen their online channel. It may already exist but needs improving or your might have to develop a online channel presence.
  • Identify gaps that need addressing


  1. Assess Channel Performance:


  • What is the extent of conflict, cooperation, trust, communication and control affecting the performance of the entire organisations channel system.
  • Try to speak to channel managers and marketing staff to gain an appreciation of relationship health in the channel.
  • Is the channel performing effectively?
  • If channel is performing poorly what are causes that are impacting channel performance?
  • How can an online channel impact relationship quality with existing distributors?


  1. Closing Channel Gaps:


  • Identify the channel gaps that need addressing for your online channel and strategy options to address gaps
  • If existing online channel identify gaps and strategies to close gaps.


  1. Recommendation:


  • What are you preferred strategies to address channel gaps
  • Short term – I year
  • Long Term – 3 Year


  1. Implementation
  • Action plan of what by Who by Wnen








Length:  10 – 15 pages (Maximum) excludes bibliography













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