GERO 550 Final Paper Assignment Details
Organizational Analysis
This major assignment requires the student to conduct an analysis of an organization (in some
instances this may be done as part of an internship) using concepts and theories presented
in class. The structural requirements for the paper, expected content, and grading criteria
are described below.
The paper should be succinct (no longer than 5,000 words) and use American Psychological
Association (APA) style references. It must include a one-page Executive Summary, which
highlights key findings. Sources should be documented including organizational literature
(brochures, manuals, etc.) and personal communications.
Content Outline
The following content outline provides a guide for the paper:
1. Overview: Describe the purpose of the organization. What are its mandates and where do they
come from? Whose auspices is the organization under? What is the history of the organization?
How was it founded? Who are its constituents? Who funds it? What other organizations does it
relate to?
2. Structure: Describe the method of operation of the organization by providing a comprehensive
and analytical discussion of the organizational theories that best describe the organization.
What type of organization is being analyzed? What is its structure? (Include an organizational
chart). What are the formal policies and procedures (if there are any)? What is its structure of
governance and representation?
3. Behavior: How does the organization regulate its employees? How does it deal with problems?
What are its decision-making mechanisms? What are the administrative roles in the
organization and who occupies them, what activities do these administrators and managers
carry out and what are the requirements for education and training of administrative staff?
Describe the informal organization. What are the organizational climate, norms, and
communications patterns? (If possible, include both formal and informal communication
patterns.) How is the staff motivated (by what means and by whom)? What is the reward
system and how is it used? What are the opportunities for upward mobility? How does one get
ahead? How does the agency input get from the outside?
GERO 550 Final Paper Assignment Details
January 7, 2018
4. Planning and Evaluation: How does the organization plan? How far does it look into the future?
How does it evaluate success or failure and how do others evaluate the organization? On the
basis of what kind of information and data is the organization evaluated? What kinds of
information does the organization collect for its own uses?
5. The Environment: How does the organization attract clients and position itself in its market?
What kinds of competition, if any, does it face? What types of coordination strategies does the
organization engage in? In what kind of networks is the organization involved?
6. Major Issues: What are the major issues that the organization is currently wrestling with? Are
there controversies? Are there internal or external struggles? If so, what is their nature and
how does the organization go about resolving them?
7. Assessment: How effective is this organization? What does it do well? Where are their
problems? If you were in charge, what goals would you see as priorities for the organization in
terms of its future? What changes would you make and why? Finally, would you seek a job in
this organization? Why or why not?
8. The Final Paper is due on . A deduction of 5 points will be made for late
papers and starting on , an additional two points will be taken off for late papers. Inclass
students will make a brief presentation to the class . Online students will
provide a 3 to 5-minute video presentation for viewing.
Grading Criteria
The following questions will serve as a guide for grading:
1. Comprehensiveness of response. How well and how thoroughly are the points covered?
2. Appropriate integration of concepts from the readings and class to document key points. Are
theories/concepts from the reading and those discussed in class used appropriately?
3. Execution. Is the paper well thought out? Is it well written? Does it look presentable? Is the
paper within the guidelines in terms of length? Is there an Executive Summary and content?
4. Comprehensiveness and organizational investigation. Is there adequate background? Does the
paper sufficiently explore the organization? Does the paper appear to accurately reflect
GERO 550 Final Paper Assignment Help on Organizational Analysis
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