Geography Homework Help

Geography Homework Help-Please answer these questions.

1 Why does Earth have an “onion-like” structure? What caused the different layers to form?

2 List the THREE main categories of ocean bathymetric (i.e. ocean floor) features and a specific example of each:

3 Given that new seafloor is constantly being created at mid-ocean ridges, why isn’t the surface of the Earth getting bigger?

4 You might have noticed that different beaches around Puget Sound have different types of sediment. How can you explain this? (Try to use specific locations as part of your explanation!)

5 A team of scientists just completed a six-month cruise sampling sediments from the continental shelf along the east coasts of North and South America. Unfortunately, the sample bottles got wet and all of the labels came off. How could the scientists start to figure out where the samples were collected? (Please provide at least 3-4 specific types of information the scientists could use!)

6 What are TWO ways that sea level changes affect sedimentation in the oceans?

7 What are THREE sources of sediment to the deep sea?

8 What are TWO examples of biogenous oozes?

9A team of geologists brings you samples of rocks they obtained from the seafloor. They tell you that the samples were collected at the following distances from an ocean ridge that has a seafloor spreading rate of 4cm/year. How old is each sample? (Enter only numbers for your answers!)


SAMPLE A – 1 km(          )


SAMPLE B – 34 km(           )


SAMPLE C – 43 km  (          )



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