General Education Capstone-Provide at least three reasons why every student should be required to take general education courses

Assignment: Must be 250 words and clearly referenced

For this discussion, address the following prompts:

· Provide at least three reasons why every student should be required to take general education courses. Explain your rationale. Support your rationale with evidence from at least one scholarly source.

· Describe what you have learned from at least three specific courses (e.g., philosophy, history, English, math, psychology, etc.) that has proved its usefulness in your daily life. For instance, what did you learn in history classes beyond just names, dates, and places? In literature courses, what did you learn about life, the university, and everything beyond the literary work itself?

List of courses taken. You can choose 3 to discuss.

Computer Literacy

English Composition II

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Informal Logic

United States History II

Introduction to Algebra

Ethics & Moral Reasoning

Intermediate Algebra

American National Government

Introduction to Film

Our Dependence upon the Environment

Human Resources Management

Group Behavior in Organizations

Personal & Organizational Ethics

Contemporary Social Problems & the Workplace

Organizational Change

Communication in Organizations

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