GDP and Economic growth of Country 1 and Country 2, 2012-2016

HC1072 T3 2017

Assessment 2: Group Assignment

Topic: GDP and Economic growth of Country 1 and Country 2, 2012-2016 (any 2

countries of your choice).

Task: Source the necessary data from the Word Bank, the Australian Bureau of

Statistics, OECD, CIA or similar institutions (e.g.,

factbook/rankorder/rankorderguide.html ). Compare and contrast GDP, GPD per

capita and Economic growth rates of 2 countries. Use your knowledge of PPF

concept, GDP accounting methods and business cycles to explain why there are

differences/similarities between selected countries.

Assessment criteria

Due: Week 11 (for block mode class 11) ASSESSMENT 2

Weighting: 25%

Length: 1500 Words

Marking rubric

1. Formatting (page and section numbering, cover, etc.) 2 marks

2. Referencing style 1 marks

3. Knowledge of GDP accounting methods 10 marks

4. Using high quality graphs 5 marks

5. Use of the components of GDP 5 marks

6. Knowledge and use of economic indicators 1 marks

7. Extra effort 1 mark
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