GARRETT’S GOAL II. “When I began to assemble this wealth of information, I had a single goal: to find out what went wrong. When I analyzed the trial records, I found that the exonerees’ cases were not idiosyncratic. The same problems occurred again and again (Garrett 2011:7).” (Chapters 5-7)
To supplement the above mentioned items, there are three writing assignments. For each one, use the essay prompt as a jumping off point. When you cite material, you are expected to use the American Sociological Association’s (ASA) style for manuscript preparation. The length of each essay should be 1500 words/5 typed pages.
this is my book picture i attach it and these some of pages Tu Ch. 5 (pp. 118-139)
3- 1/Th Ch. 5 (pp. 139-142)
3- 6/Tu Cole Thompson, Abilene’s Skate Park One
3- 8/Th Ch. 5 (pp. 142-144)
3-20/Tu Ch. 6 (pp. 145-172)
3-22/Th Ch. 6 (pp. 172-177)
3-27/Tu Ch. 7 (pp. 178-200)
3-29/Th Ch. 7 (pp. 200-212)

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