Functional Behavior Assessment/BIP Report Critique Homework Help

Functional Behavior Assessment/BIP Report Critique Homework Help

Functional Behavior Assessment/BIP Report Critique

According to Gable et al, 2001 there are 6 steps in conducting FBAs.  Conduct FBA (Gable et al, 2001)

  1. Describe & verify problem severity
  2. Refine behavior definition
  3. Collect data on possible functions
  4. Analyze data with triangulation & pathway analysis.
  5. Generate hypothesis of problem behavior function
  6. Test hypothesis of problem behavior function

Nyarambi provided detailed information on step by step approach on what needs to be done to complete your FBA (from parental permission to statement of function), Use the FBA steps provided to critique the case.

Choose from any one of these FBAs provided and select ONE to critique. This assignment is due 4/15 on D2L Drop box

Critiques (2-4 pages) following: (provide evidence)

  • Whether all the steps in conducting an FBA are evident and were followed?
  • Is the behavior socially important, serious and severe
  • Evidence of partnership and collaboration in conducting FBA?
  • If the behavior(s) are defined following strict criteria
  • How data was collected, both indirect or direct (provide detail of evidence)
  • How data was analyzed (Explain the evidence)
  • Did data analysis account for multiple functions?
  • What was the function (s) of the behaviors
  • The hypothesis and or statement of function indicated
  • Critique the utility of the hypothesis/ statement of function
  • Is there any information that is lacking from this FBA?
  • Did they use the function based decision model to ascertain the method for intervention?
  • What method intervention (method 1, 2, 3)
  • Critique the use of function based intervention?
  • What were/are the recommendations for intervention (Replacement behaviors)
  • Was the BIP developed and implemented?
  • Are the recommendations/replacement behaviors consistent with results of data analysis
  • How did they monitor the fidelity of the implementation?
  • How did they evaluate the effectiveness of behavioral intervention?
  • What are your recommendations for improvement
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