Foundations For Graduate Study in Education- You should incorporate five sources in all in your paper. The syllabus points out that three should come from the sources you found in unit four. In addition, you should locate two additional sources this week.


EDU5000 Foundations For Graduate Study in Education

Activity 7: Identifying a Topic in Your Specialization

“The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”

Malcolm Forbes

Important Criteria for This Assignment

As you work on this assignment, keep the following criteria in mind.

1. You should incorporate five sources in all in your paper. The syllabus points out that three should come from the sources you found in unit four. In addition, you should locate two additional sources this week.

2. Use in-text citations to support the key claims that you will make throughout your paper. Guidance on how to properly format in-text citations was offered in previous templates.

3. Provide properly formatted references at the end of your assignment. Guidance on how to properly format references was offered in previous templates.

4. Use the template I provided for this assignment so that your headings are properly formatted according to APA form and style protocols as mentioned on page 62 of the APA manual.

Now is the Time to Get Ahead of Schedule

Please read the following policy statement from Northcentral University. In brief it says

your final assignment must be submitted in the course room before 11:59 P.M. Arizona Time.

If you do not make it, the courseroom locks you out and that can have serious repercussions. You can determine Arizona Time by clicking here. See official policy below.

“NCU courses officially close on the final Sunday of the course at 11:59 P.M. Arizona time, at which time, students are no longer able to post assignments or log attendance in the system.  Once a course is officially closed faculty should proceed with submitting the final grade earned by the end of the course, even if students have not submitted all of the required assignments for the final week of class.  There is no final submission grace period at the end of a course; therefore, the final assignment must be submitted before the course closes.”


[Before submitting your assignment, remove all instructions in brackets that are found on this template. However, do not remove the feedback from the assignment you will paste in below, see additional instructions in this regard on the next page. Edit the running head to reflect your name both here and on page two. After that, the running head will correctly populate all other pages. However, you must edit it on page one and two. Notice that the words “Running head” are to appear on page one, but not page 2 or subsequent pages. See example on page 41 of the APA manual. Fill in your name below.]

Self-assessment Reflection Paper

First and Last Name

Northcentral University

Self-Assessment Reflection Paper

[Develop a brief introduction under this title. The final sentence of your introduction should begin with the following phrase: The purpose of this assignment is…]

Why I Want to Study This Topic

[As you develop each section of this assignment, you should support your key claims using in-text citations. In all, you should utilize five sources throughout your paper. As the syllabus points out, you should use three sources you located in week four and two new sources that you found this week.]

What I Already Know or Presume about This Topic

[This section of your paper will be essentially a personal reflection about your understanding of this topic. If possible, support your key learnings with in-text citations showing that other scholars have learned the same things.]

Past Experiences that may Create Obstacles or Bias during My Examination of This Topic

[This is a very challenging part of this assignment. It is hard for us to identify our own biases. Here is a typical example that a student might write about in this section.

Perhaps you are the parent of a child who has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. That is why you chose autism as your topic of interest. However, your experiences as a parent may not be representative of what educational professionals and other parents have experienced in dealing with autism. Therefore, to some extent, you may find it challenging to address this topic in an objective manner. Often we are drawn to a particular topic because of personal challenges associated with it. Those personal challenges may make it difficult for us to be objective.]

Why This Topic Will Sustain My Interest throughout the Capstone Project

[Your program will lead to a major project where you pull together what you have learned about your topic of choice. In this section you should present reasons why you believe this topic will still be of interest to you when you reach the end of your program. However, this is only a preliminary exploration you are not locked into this topic and it might change when you reach your capstone project at the end of your master’s journey.]


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