Find an expert on campus or in the community whose profession or background relates to your   Describe the person’s qualifications. Interview the person. Note when you talked and what you learned in your learning log.

  • Find an article about your topic in a trade journal. Note its complete citation. Summarize the main points in your learning log and write 3 questions for the author about the findings related to the topic.
  • Find an article in an operations management themed academic journal about your topic (try google scholar).  Note its complete citations.  Summarize the main points in your learning log and write 3 questions for the author(s) about the findings related to the topic.
  • Find a scholarly book about your topic. Note its full citation. Read two chapters in the book and summarize what you learn from them in your learning log.  Note 3 new sources in the book that you now want to go and read.
  • Find an expert online that you could interview about your topic. Describe in your learning log who this person is and what qualifies her/him as an expert. Write ten interview questions you could ask this person.
  • Find a TED or TED-X talk related to your topic. Note the URL. Describe the important things you have learned from it in your learning log.
  • Find an expert on campus or in the community whose profession or background relates to your   Describe the person’s qualifications. Interview the person. Note when you talked and what you learned in your learning log.
  • Repeat one of these level B options.
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