“The financial crisis facing Eurozone member countries in Europe lies in the fact that the whole Euro single currency project was ill-conceived from the start. New ideas and solutions need to be found to accommodate such an economically diverse range of Eurozone members if the single currency project is to survive in the long term”. Discuss.

Section B requires an essay style response to the questions and you are to answer only one of the two questions in this section. This section requires appropriate use of referencing to answer the question.
The word count mentioned in each section is indicative of the length of answers expected. As per accepted practice, a plus or minus 10% to the word limit is deemed acceptable. Please keep to the word limit as I will stop reading and assessing an answer to a question when it exceeds this limit.

1. “The financial crisis facing Eurozone member countries in Europe lies in the fact that the
whole Euro single currency project was ill-conceived from the start. New ideas and solutions
need to be found to accommodate such an economically diverse range of Eurozone
members if the single currency project is to survive in the long term”. Discuss.
2. The Leader of Germany’s Social Democrats Martin Schulz has called for a “United States of
Europe” by 2025 …He added “Economic, cultural, social and political integration: The best
protection against fascism, war and anti-Democrats.” Source; DW 08/12/17
In light of the above statement by Martin Schulz, and despite the potentially unrealistic time frame he suggests in achieving such an outcome, discuss and explain what you see as being the main benefits and challenges for the EU, in pursuing greater political integration.

As you have only 1,500 words for this essay, if you so choose, you can give greater emphasis
in your answer to either the benefits OR the challenges of further political integration.

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