Finance Help Assignment-Data gathering for part A of MN0491 assignment

Finance Help Assignment-Data gathering for part A of MN0491 assignment

Data gathering for part A of MN0491 assignment*

*This guidance provides one of the possible ways to retrieve data for assignment without using Bloomberg database.

For Question 1 you can track FTSE 100 index by using Yahoo Finance source:

1) Follow the link:

2) Click “Components”: You can find all data for all companies in FTSE 100 here

3) Click symbol of the company you want to select for your portfolio of random stocks, for example, AstraZeneca PLC: “AZN.L”

4) Click “Historical Prices” and select the appropriate time period and frequency of the data:


5) Click “Download to Spreadsheet” at the bottom the page to retrieve your data and save it in Excel.


For Question 2 you can track FTSE 350 Index using similar source, i.e. Yahoo Finance, to find the list of companies.

1) Select the company that you want to analyse in Question 2, for example, AstraZeneca PLC.

2) Go to the company’s website, for example,

3) Find a section with information available for investors:

4) Find icon for Annual Report of the Company and click “View Annual Reports”:


5) Download annual reports of the company up to10 years (depends on availability).

6) Open annual report, for example, 2011, find “Financial Statements” in Content page and scroll down to view financial statements and retrieve information needed:

7) Repeat the procedure for all other years. For particular project data search further on the company’s website or project’s page.

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