Film and Theater Papers Essay Help

Film and Theater Papers Essay Help

Think of a person you don’t know – stranger that you have encountered in the past few days anywhere –
Describe them (age, weight, looks, hair, rich, poor, etc…)
Write one paragraph of that person complaining about something they hate.
Think of a person you know very well (relative, gf, bf, etc)
Name them (doesn’t have to be real name)
Describe them
Write on paragraph of that person talking about how much they love something.
Think of a familiar room or space from your childhood.
Make a list of at least 10 things in the space.
In paragraph form, as though writing a story, describe the room to a reader.
Draw a rectangle on your paper. The top of it is upstage, the bottom is down stage. To the right is stage left, to the left side is stage right. Place US, DS, SL and SR where appropriate next to the lines.
Sketch in items in your room/space (benches, beds, tvs, firplaces and most importantly – doors in and out)
Write a stage note/assignment of what we see when curtain rises as though in one of the plays you read. “the curtain rises to reveal character A’s bedroom. Twin size bed SL covered with clothes. On SR is a flatscreen tv…etc.”
Write a two page play that takes place in your space and has only character 1 and 2, as well as the following given circumstances.
The first line has to be “what are you doing here?”
Must include a reference to tomatoes
Must mention For King and Country – a christian band
Denzel Washington must be used
Hockey has to come up
Plants must be in the scene and used
Some action must be done – ironing,sorting clothes, doing homework
Last line of the play needs to be “that is how I know I’m alive.

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