Female Genital Cutting (FGC) is an important issue for global gender justice

Gender Justice: Female Genital Cutting

In a 4-page essay discuss the following: How would a utilitarian, a Kantian, a virtue ethicist, and a rights theorist evaluate the practice of FGC? What factors would they consider when determining whether or not FGC was an ethical practice, and what would they most likely decide? (Remember: They will likely come to different conclusions for different reasons.)


Female Genital Cutting (FGC) is an important issue for global gender justice. For this assignment, read the material on FGC in chapter 2 of the textbook (including the material in the text boxes) and case studies 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 in chapter 3 in the textbook.


In a 4-page essay discuss the following: How would a utilitarian, a Kantian, a virtue ethicist, and a rights theorist evaluate the practice of FGC? What factors would they consider when determining whether or not FGC was an ethical practice, and what would they most likely decide? (Remember: They will likely come to different conclusions for different reasons.)

Do not use any sources other than the ones assigned. Use of other sources will result in an F.

Papers should be typed, double-spaced with standard margins. Do not leave gaps between paragraphs or divide your paper into subsections. Do not use subheadings within the paper. Use 12-point Times New Roman type (the same size and font used in these directions). Pages should be numbered. No cover page is required. Hard copies should be stapled.

The paper should be written as one, unified essay with an introduction, a conclusion (which is different from the introduction) and transitional sentences linking paragraphs. It should not be written as a series of answers to a series of questions.

This paper should be written in your own words. If you must quote from an article, quotations should be kept short (no more than 10 words in length). There should not be more than two quotations in this paper. Quoted language must be placed in quotation marks and followed by a citation.

All university-level students are expected to understand the rules of paraphrase, quotation, and citation. Failure to paraphrase, quote, and/or cite properly will be penalized. Plagiarism is never acceptable. Plagiarism will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary action.

All papers must be submitted to Turnitin before or at the time they are due on the date that they are due. See the syllabus for the due date. The dropbox for this assignment is in the same ulearn folder as these directions and the link to the articles. Do not go directly to the Turnitin website; you will not be able to upload your paper there. You must use the link that I provided. Students have reported problems uploading papers using Google Chrome, so if this doesn’t work, use something else. A hard copy of the paper must also be handed in in class on the day that it is due. I will not accept papers unless they have been both submitted to Turnitin and handed in in class at the time that they are due. Emailed papers will not be accepted. Do not slide papers under the door to my office or leave them in my mailbox.

Papers will be graded based on the following criteria:

  • Understanding of and ability to apply the moral theories
  • Organization and writing (including the presence of a title, an introduction and a conclusion, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, word use, spelling, and appropriate academic tone)
  • Appropriate use of paraphrase, quotation, and citation.
  • Length and format




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