Female entrepreneurs are said to experience a range of barriers when starting a business. What is the evidence for this from literature sources and what recommendations would you make to a female entrepreneur who is considering starting a business.

Assignment extract:

you have to choose one research question from the list to write about.

the question is: Female entrepreneurs are said to experience a range of barriers when starting a business. What is the evidence for this from literature sources and what recommendations would you make to a female entrepreneur who is considering starting a business.

• Title page
• Abstract (ideally around 500 words to offer an effective overall summary)
• Introduction
♣ Introduction to include an academic definition and some factual data about the context of the set question
• Main contents
♣ Various sub-headings
♣ Includes good use of references with occasional quotes
♣ Good mix and range of sources
♣ Some mini examples cited to the appendices can be useful
♣ Critical commentary
• Advantages/disadvantages
• Evidence for and against
• Conclusions: Offers a clear rationale that answers the set questions
• Recommendations: A reasoned set of recommendations that matches the
concern of the set question
• References (Harvard)
o A minimum of 20 references (No Wikipedia), a mix of texts, journals (emerald) and reports from a range of sources e.g. Business Source Premier (BSP), Mintel, Expanded Academic ASAP, trade associations, govt reports, newspaper analysis, business groups (IOD and FSB) and other policy sources).
• Appendices

Marking template
Title page and abstract 5%
Introduction 10%
Main contents
Mix and range of sources 20%
Critical discussion 35%
Conclusions and recommendations 20%

Overall layout and structure 10%

-Please use mix of sources and minimum of 20 sources as required.

-Use sources that can be accessed such as google scholar

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